The user is prohibited from:

1. Using obscene language and insulting players in general chats, threats, any manifestations of racism and nationalism, as well as inciting ethnic hatred.
2. The use of nicknames of characters / names of legions of insults, profanity, veiled obscenities.
3. Any attempts to gain unauthorized access to other people's accounts.
4. Buying/selling any game valuables for real money (punishment to the seller: blocking of all player accounts, punishment to the buyer: blocking of the account, or temporary blocking of the account from 1 to 7 days at the discretion of the Administrator).
5. Buying / selling game accounts for real money (punishment: blocking an account, or all accounts of the seller).
6. Deliberate use of errors (bugs) of the server/game (if you find a bug, you must report it to the Administration).
7. Modifying client files, using bots, clickers and other third-party software.
8. Impersonate the Server Administration.
9. Deliberate bay and overflow of AP (points of the abyss) between characters, contractual arenas.
10. Placement of promotional materials/links to other gaming resources.
11. Disrespectful attitude, deception of the server administration.
12. Distribution of personal correspondence with the server administration without their consent.
13. Wrecking the server (including writing wrecking messages in the chat in the game and on project resources, including third-party resources on the Internet) - punishment from Chat Ban to Player Account Blocking (at the discretion of the Administration).

Additional terms of the rules:

1. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt from responsibility for their violation
2. By registering an account or accessing our server, you automatically agree to all the terms of the server rules (both basic and additional).
3. These rules are subject to change without notice.
4. These rules apply to both the Game and the Discord of the project.
5. The administration has the right to make any decision regarding the server and its resources.
6. Account mail cannot be changed. The owner of the account is the one who owns the mail.