Dear players!
In the interval from 05:20 to 02:50 Moscow time, technical work took place on the server.
The following changes have taken place:
1) Removed extra drop in Phas and Rentas Base
2) Updater fixed (RU and EN versions)
3) Moved Siege of Origins to 20:00 GMT
News on the siege schedule is available on the Project Forum and on Discord.
4) Portals between locations are brought to the state of the current version
5) Made some internal server fixes
6) Updated game client
You can update the game client using the updater (AionRemasteredUpdater32.exe or AionRemasteredUpdater64.exe)
If for some reason the updater does not work for you, then you can (optionally):
1. Check that the folder with the game is in the exceptions of the antivirus (windows defender), then restart the PC (if it was included in the exceptions) and try to run the updater from the Administrator
2. Download the game client (links have been updated on the site) (if you haven’t figured out how to launch the updater)
3. Or install the patch manually: (in this case, download the archive and unzip it to the root of the game client with file replacement) (alternative method)
We remind you that the recommended way to launch the game through the launcher is AionRemastered32.cmd (for 32-bit version) or AionRemastered64.cmd (for 64-bit version)
But if it is more convenient for you to run through the updater, then you can run it through the updater (AionRemasteredUpdater32.exe or AionRemasteredUpdater64.exe)
If you have any difficulties with entering the game, or with launching the game, then write in Discord to the login AionRemastered#4654
Sincerely, Aion Remastered Project Administration
News and communication